We know what you’re thinking when you hear the term “bulletproof immune system.”

Does such a thing even exist? Isn’t this the stuff of movie and cinema? Let us bust a few myths about bulletproof immune systems. Firstly, it’s not expensive to do it, you don’t need magic pills, and you certainly don’t need to be a fitness expert.

The truth is, we all have access to cost-effective techniques that improve all our markers of health while elevating the immune system.

The techniques mentioned below are easy to use, no matter what stage in life you’re at. Why wait until you fall ill to improve your immune system? By making just a few small changes in your daily life, you can improve your immune system for the better.

Here are five ways to help build a bulletproof immune system.


Foods made with white sugar can take a toll on your immune system. These foods use ingredients that could lead to inflammation and many other debilitating conditions, including autoimmune diseases. There is a growing body of evidence that diets rich in sugars promote a multitude of health disorders such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and obesity. Together these negative markers of health will hamper our ability to function well.White Sugar

More importantly, refined sugars don’t really have a high content of vitamins and minerals. Our body tries to go through the extra work of metabolizing them but doesn’t benefit from it. One research published in the journal Nature found that sugar can trigger cancerous cells’ growth and help them multiply at a faster rate. The link between processed foods and immune diseases couldn’t be clearer.


Besides white sugars, the food choices we make have a significant impact on our immune system. Certain foods boost it, while others impair it. In general, a diet rich in whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, meat, and gluten-free whole grains will help you sustain a healthy immune system. However, we’ve identified a few ‘superfoods’ that serve as powerful boosters for your immune system.

Mushrooms in a basket
  •  Mushrooms – Most mushrooms contain polysaccharides, also known as beta-glucans, which studies show can fight inflammation and modulate the immune system.
  •  Berries – this delicious fruit is rich in flavonoids and fibre (to support the digestive system) and can boost the immune system. It has naturally high reservoirs of polyphenol that combat oxidative stress in the body.
  •  Turmeric – Commonly used to enhance the flavour of stews and curries, turmeric has been long touted as the definitive means of improving the immune system. It does to by suppressing viral replication and providing relief to the body.
  •  Almonds – Almonds contain vitamin E, which maintains the immune system, especially as we get older. Almond also happens to be a good source of healthy fat and protein. Besides being delicious on their own, almonds can enhance the flavour of fruits and other health products.




The overarching theme of this blog is getting a good night’s sleep. We cannot stress how important sleep is when it comes to immune health. Lack of sleep (whether because of work-related reasons or sleep disorders) can lower our immunity and opens up a slew of health-related problems.


Woman Sleeping
Woman Sleeping


Insomnia, a common sleep disorder, can lead to the activation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This then can leave us more susceptible to infections.  The fact is also backed up by studies on shift workers (who deliberately go against their natural circadian rhythm) which shows that they are more likely to develop immune diseases because of their disruptive sleep patterns.

Here are a few things you can do to improve your sleep:


  •  Sleep in a dark room (turn off your phone)
  •  Turn off anything that mimics the light
  •  Avoid caffeine (especially during the evening hours)
  •  Sleep at cooler temperatures
  •  Create a consistent sleep schedule
  •  Use bedtime rituals to help you relax and sleep (such as reading, baths, aromatherapy, and meditation)



A growing body of evidence has found that our microbiome (composed of ‘good’ bacteria) can train the immune system to identify which pathogens are dangerous and bad. This allows it to produce beneficial nutrients that can help ward off the bad bacteria. Once again, the foods we eat, play an important role in microbiome health.

An effective way to improve our gut health is by consuming naturally probiotic foods. These include yoghurt, tempeh, kimchi, pickles, and kefir. Don’t worry if you don’t recognize some of these food products, most of them are easily available in a food store near you.

Other ways of improving your gut health include:


  • Drinking more water
  • Consuming both forms of fibre (soluble and insoluble
  • Chewing your food well (helps with nutrient absorption and metabolizes food)
  • Cut down on your sugar intake, as mentioned earlier



There are a few supplementations that you can use to improve your immune health. This may be necessary if your regular diet isn’t providing you with your daily recommended nutrients.


Vitamin A improves our immune function and improves the production of antibody cells. Studies show that it improves our recovery rates from certain illnesses. More importantly, vitamin A strengthens our digestive tract barrier to prevent viruses and pathogens from disrupting gut health, thereby causing inflammation and immune health disorders.


Termed as the ‘gatekeeper’ of our immune system, zinc plays an essential role in developing immune health. It modulates nearly all components of the immune system and protects against dangerous infections. It also prevents inflammation and mitigates the risk of developing an infection, as well as a chronic disease and autoimmune conditions. It should be noted that zinc must be taken in balance in the body.

Too much and could lead to negative effects. For this reason, you should consult with your doctor to know how much zinc you should consume.


Melatonin is naturally good at boosting cell immunity and helps us take a good night’s rest. More importantly, it can improve the production of immune cells like T cells and macrophages while also reducing airway inflammation.

As always, consult your doctor about any nutritional deficiencies you may have and which supplements can fill in the gap.


Covid virus microscopic